Find one example of Internet marketing that you think is particularly effective and one example that is ineffective.
Explain your reasons, for example, you can describe how well the effective example takes advantage of the Internet's properties (e.g. interactivity, personalization, greater hold on user's interest). For the ineffective ad, you may describe how you can improve on it.
I think Pizza Hut's website is most successful & effective. It through their website to promote and increase their market share. In their website shows the colourful and attractive advertisment. The customer also can search their community activities, menu, branch information, etc.
The customer can also order on their website. They can login their member ID and password, then which shows all information and record. Their member will have more discount when they are order on website. Pizza hut always send the promotion information by email to their member. Overall, it can provide the good service and build up a good image of them.
The JHC shop is ineffective one. As their website is very traditional, the advertisement is not attractive, only upload the leaflets for promotion. The leaflets also don't show the price, haven't online order service and don't send the promotion to their customer by email as usual. I think JHC shop should improve their website style such as use more colorful 3D advertisement, design a unique slogan, all items have price and have online service, etc. Thus, these can increase their revenue and build up a good image for public.
1 留言:
I agree, the more a firm uses interactivity and two-way communication, the more effective their Internet marketing strategy. The JHC web site sounds more like an online brochure rather than a web site because it lacks interactivity and merely serves soft copies of their leaflets/brochures.